- Adjective: no longer fresh or interesting
- വിരസമായ
- ജീർണ്ണിച്ച
- വളിച്ച
- പഴകിപ്പോയ
- പുതുമ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട
- Example sentences:
- The stale air in the room made me feel dizzy.
- The joke was stale and didn’t get any laughs.
- The company’s stale marketing strategy needed a revamp.
Synonyms: dull, tired, worn out, musty, outdated
Antonyms: fresh, new, exciting, original, innovative
- Adjective: connected or related to the topic or situation
- Example sentences:
- The relevant information was highlighted in the report.
- Her relevant work experience made her a strong candidate.
- The judge considered the evidence relevant to the case.
Synonyms: pertinent, applicable, related, connected, germane
Antonyms: irrelevant, unrelated, unconnected, immaterial, insignificant