Meaning: Difficult to understand or explain, strange or intriguing നിഗൂഢമായ ദുർഗ്രാഹ്യമായ രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ നിറഞ്ഞ അജ്ഞേയമായ Example sentences: "The mysterious smile on her face intrigued me." "The mysterious events in the haunted…

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Meaning: Open and obvious, not hidden or secret പ്രത്യക്ഷമായ മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കാത്ത Example sentences: "The overt message in the advertisement was clear." "The overt display of wealth was impressive." Synonyms: explicit, clear,…

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Meaning: Having a lot of wealth or resources സമൃദ്ധമായ സമ്പത്തുള്ള ധനാഢ്യമായ Example sentences: "The affluent family lived in a grand mansion." "The affluent neighborhood was known for its luxury cars…

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Meaning: Direct and straightforward, frank and honest മന്ദബുദ്ധിയായ മൂർച്ചയില്ലാത്ത സൂക്ഷ്മഗ്രഹണശക്തിയില്ലാത്ത വിട്ടുവീഴ്ചയ്ക്കു തയ്യാറാല്ലാത്ത Example sentence: "The blunt answer was refreshing." Synonyms: direct, straightforward, frank, honest Antonyms: indirect, evasive, dishonest, deceitful Notes:…

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Pronunciation: so-LIL-uh-kwee Meaning: A speech delivered by a character alone on stage ആത്മഗതം Example sentences: Hamlet's soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 is famous. The actor's soliloquy brought tears to…

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Pronunciation: EL-uh-kwunt Meaning: Fluent and persuasive in speech വാചാലമായ വാക്ചാതുര്യമുള്ള വശ്യഭാഷിയായ Example sentences: The eloquent speech by the CEO inspired the team. The eloquent writer's words were powerful and moving.…

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Pronunciation: kuh-LOH-kwee-ul Meaning: Relating to informal language or conversation Example sentences: The colloquial expression "break a leg" means "good luck." The colloquial language used in the movie was relatable. Synonyms:…

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Adjective: talking a lot or excessively വായാടിയായ Example sentences: My loquacious friend dominated the conversation. The loquacious tour guide wouldn't stop talking. The professor's loquacious lectures put students to sleep.…

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Adjective: no longer fresh or interesting വിരസമായ ജീർണ്ണിച്ച വളിച്ച പഴകിപ്പോയ പുതുമ നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട Example sentences: The stale air in the room made me feel dizzy. The joke was stale and didn't…

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Adjective: not talking much or willing to share one's thoughts or feelings മിണ്ടാട്ടം കുറഞ്ഞ മൗനശീലനായ അൽപഭാഷിയായ Example sentences: He's a reticent person and doesn't like to talk about himself. She's…

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Verb: to stop doing something or leave a place Example sentences: I'm tired of this job, I'm going to quit. She quit smoking last year. He quit the team due…

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Verb: to keep doing something or to keep happening without stopping Example sentences: I will continue to work on this project until it's finished. The concert continued into the night.…

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