• Meaning: Difficult to understand or explain, strange or intriguing
  • നിഗൂഢമായ
  • ദുർഗ്രാഹ്യമായ
  • രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ നിറഞ്ഞ
  • അജ്ഞേയമായ
  • Example sentences:
    • “The mysterious smile on her face intrigued me.”
    • “The mysterious events in the haunted house were unexplained.”
  • Synonyms: enigmatic, puzzling, cryptic, intriguing, strange, inexplicable
  • Antonyms: clear, obvious, straightforward, understandable, explainable
  • Notes:
    • Mysterious can also describe something that is fascinating or captivating due to its unknown or unexplained nature (e.g., “a mysterious work of art”).
    • In literature and storytelling, mysterious elements can create suspense and intrigue.

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