
To gain favor or approval by flattering or trying to please someone, often in a way that is considered insincere or excessive.

വശത്താക്കുക,ഇഷ്ടം സമ്പാദിക്കുക


  • Flatter
  • Curry favor
  • Suck up
  • Brown-nose
  • Kowtow


  • Offend
  • Alienenate
  • Displease
  • Annoy
  • Irritate

Example sentences:

  • The new employee tried to ingratiate himself with the boss by constantly agreeing with him.
  • She attempted to ingratiate herself with the group by telling them jokes.
  • He accused his colleague of trying to ingratiate himself with the manager by taking credit for others’ work.


  • Ingratiate often implies a level of insincerity or excessive flattery.
  • It can be used in various contexts, like workplace politics or social relationships.
  • Be careful not to confuse ingratiate with grateful, which means feeling or showing appreciation!

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