Protected from danger, threat, or loss; firmly fixed or in a stable position; confident and free from fear or anxiety.
- Safe
- Protected
- Stable
- Firm
- Confident
- Insecure
- Unsafe
- Vulnerable
- Unstable
- Anxious
Example sentences:
- The secure password protected the account from hacking.
- The secure building had cameras and alarms.
- She felt secure in her new job.
- Secure often describes a situation or environment that is protected from harm or risk.
- It can also describe a feeling of confidence and stability.
- Be careful not to confuse secure with insecure, which means vulnerable or unstable!
Now, try using secure in a sentence to practice!
Additional tips:
- Secure can also be used in various contexts, like technology (secure connection), finance (secure investment), or psychology (secure attachment).
- The word secure can be used as a verb, too, meaning to make something safe or stable (e.g., “secure the door”).